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04 July 2013

Bring It On!

Greetings, Dear Ones:


Each soul has countless possibilities in how their experiences unfold on Earth. Daily new opportunities are presented, but it is up to each soul as to what is experienced and the path they choose.


Ask for the Divineness in you to guide you – the God spark within each soul. Listen to your heart and your feelings from this internal guidance. The choices may seem “safe” at times, and at other times, you may be directed to step out of your comfort levels.


Trust what transpires is for your highest good. Continually ask for those in spirit to assist you as you progress and experience whatever is presented before you. Set your intention for the lessons your soul came to Earth to realize. Sort of a “bring it on” attitude with full knowing the Divine within and your angelic helpers and guides are in full alignment for the final outcome.


No worries, no fears. Connect, engage, and have faith.


You are loved,

~ Archangel Gabriel ~

30 June 2013

Your Divineness Fully Present

Spend time in quiet contemplation. These are your opportunities to connect to spirit. You have all the help and assistance available to you - you need to ask for this guidance.

More and more you will be seeing the untruths – in your Self, your friends and family members, your communities, in the work you do. As each is revealed, release them. You will re-assimilate your truths without the uncovered ones a part of you. It may take time to release the fears on how you will re-shuffle and be made whole again. This is truly a transformational process. Trust.

This is simply a purging of all that you no longer need to carry within your soul. Think of the possibilities and the freedom it will bring you. You become your Highest Self – the Divineness within you fully present, uncovered, and clear.

Do not get impatient with seeing no clear results. Know that so much is happening with this process that you cannot measure each gain. Just understand and trust it is a good thing. It will be what moves you forward in the path of your full ascension.

Be peaceful at heart,

~Archangel Gabriel ~

29 June 2013

Your Two Roles

You have two roles here – one as a channel for spirits’ messages and one as an individual soul who seeks enlightenment. You are both and experience both purposes/benefits.

Acclamation is taking place – to be joined fully connected to those in spirit. Rough edges are being smoothed and soothed. Set your intention to be truly connected, and each day experiences will transpire. Not all will come out as you would think or expect, but release yourself of these judgments.

How it evolves – just is. Know that each soul is experiencing this. More are in awareness of what is happening; others are clueless, and somewhat unsure as to what is truly happening. All are merely making adjustments in their own ways.

You are blessed,

~Archangel Gabriel ~

* Channeler’s Note:  Archangel Gabriel is not only speaking to me, but those of you who read this weblog. As spirit is speaking through each of us, the benefits of healing and transformation are felt individually.

23 June 2013

Energy Transference

With you, dear ones, not so much is transferring lately through the words. It is being absorbed in other ways. The transfer is complete, but words are not given to describe. These spiritual realms are a haven to refresh and rejuvenate – a very similar experience to a meditation.


It is “stepping into oneness” or what some call “behind the veil” into spirit. Know you can be recharged, enlightened, and uplifted any time you desire. Make it a constant connection between you and those in spirit.


Much love to all,

~Archangel Gabriel ~

22 June 2013

Great Halls of Healing and Communications

Greetings, Dear Ones:

You are welcomed in this space. This is a place in spirit where information is shared by all those who tap in to communicate with us.

As more souls are awakening, more are connecting to these “great halls of healing and communications.” Many come with intent for truths and wisdom. Some come as they sleep, and other souls travel to these places in spirit. Some do it by day-dreaming – as an escape from the Earth realities. We, in spirit, welcome all to feel the energy of great love and light. Many souls do not know where they are dwelling, but the energy and feeling is of such a lightness and relief. It sooths the soul and re-nourishes.

Tap into this energy. It will refresh and renew the soul. As your thoughts and prayers connect to God and the heavenly realm, so can the energy be transferred to the human soul. You can connect in all the human senses – by sight, hearing, smell,…feeling all light energies. It will uplift and enlighten.

All are blessed.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~