13 July 2014
Angels and Guides as Personal Assistants
Allow the Higher Self in you to override the ego fears. Each soul is fully capable to move into the roles of their soul commitments. These contracts or commitments – as a gentler term – are carefully planned and orchestrated prior to the birthing process.
Never doubt the gentle forces which push you or the loving guidance that speaks to you. Think of all the spiritual guidance each human soul has been given as “personal assistants” - in the form of angels and spirit guides with attributes to help you. All are ready to assist you; just call on them. The “total package” of your human physical self extends far more than ever imagined.
Go forward with peace in knowing you are loved.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
18:16 Posted in Gabriel's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)
05 July 2014
Be the Light
Dear Lighted Ones,
Step out – be the light in all you do. Know others need this light to make a difference in their own lives. Your light guides and lights the way for choices to open before them.
Be true to yourself foremost. The Divine energy within you is the spiritual compass to direct and motivate you forward. Listen with more than your ears – feel the energy of what pushes you forward. Know it is a kind, gentle force that moves you along - like the stream through a beautiful meadow. It has purpose, but no force – it simply guides you.
As more human light beings accept their courses as their lighted paths, your world will build momentum for its transformation.
Each are loved and blessed.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
17:56 Posted in Gabriel's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)
21 June 2014
World Vision
Dear Ones,
You may be at the point in your spiritual paths where your world does not match the vision you hold for it. But, do just that – hold the vision for how you wish to see your world – a world of love in peace and harmony.
If each soul were to hold this thought, this vision, the transformation will occur at faster rate. Link your heart with others who hold this vision to create even more energy for this transformation.
Be steadfast and sure.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
17:45 Posted in Meditations to Bring Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)
12 June 2014
Your Angelic Self
Greetings, Dear Ones,
Look around – many are here within the Angelic Realm who offer support to those who connect and call on us for assistance.
Each soul has an Angelic Aspect within them. The first spark from God, the Creator, is the essence of this Angelic Self. The human mind cannot fathom the implication of this truth. This Angelic Aspect exists in the higher dimensions or higher planes.
The Higher Self is the human essence of the Angelic Self, but connected to the Earthly Realm. Going into the higher energies which exist in the spiritual realms acclimates the Higher Self to the Angelic Self. And, with practice, the human soul can make a connection between these two aspects.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
17:34 Posted in Gabriel's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)
24 May 2014
Lost Connection?
To those souls who feel lost…we are with you always. If you feel the connection to God, the Creator, or those in the spiritual realms is lost, just clear your mind and open it to the Divine. Our presence will be felt immediately. Never doubt. Always trust.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
17:23 Posted in Gabriel's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)