09 May 2015
The Warm Glow of Creator's Love and Light
You are here - here within the Angelic Realms. As Archangel Gabriel I speak to you once again. No need for fear about these connections. It is true; it is pure. It fulfills the purpose of conveying the messages of love and light. I speak to all of heavy heart, full of doubt and fear, full of loss, and feelings of hopelessness or abandonment.
Know simply this: You are loved and guided by the love and light of God, the Creator, and the angelic hosts of many angels. When you are most in despair - step aside, displace all thoughts and welcome in God’s love and light. Take a moment to allow the “wash” of the light to envelope you. Feel it pour down upon you - like a gentle mist to rinse away those fearful conditions. Then, feel the light surround you - as a comforting blanket of love and light and goodness.
Allow your heart to open - a willingness to accept the warm glow of the connection to the Creator’s love and light. Feel this connection as a source to recharge you with love, faith, and hope. Be ready to embrace the guidance you feel within you as a motivating source of power to carry you through each difficult life situation.
Know this ability to carry the love and light of God within you will sustain you in these challenging times.
You are dearly loved,
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
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