04 May 2014
Using Creator Power for Change
Dear Ones,
Every human on the spiritual path at some point comes to this question: Are the people and places in my life truly defining me? Do they reflect the love and joy within me? This starts the process of ensuring the outer life around you is reflective of the internal changes within you.
This is not an easy task ahead. But, the incongruence of how you feel, the love inside compared to those places, people, and agendas which are not your own. It becomes a time to step up and step out and ignite the Creator aspect within you to implement the changes needed to balance purpose and intent into your outer experiences.
It does not have to be done all at once. But, each day, make a minor change - no matter how small will create a ripple of change. You will be amazed how the smallest change may result in the biggest impact.
So, take those things that matter most to you. Begin to implement and create a world that reflects your light and love. Fear not the “fall out” or reaction of others; know you are merely stepping into your Creator Power to manifest the life and path of your choosing.
Align and balance to the heart and soul of who you are.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
17:16 Posted in Gabriel's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)
25 April 2014
I Am Ready...All Are Here
Dear Ones, I am ready…
The process for you to connect with spirit does not take as long as before as the veil was lifted. Your energy throughout your day connects to the Light of God, the Creator. It is only a matter of time to clear the head of other thoughts, set intention, connect with spirit, and begin communication.
All are here - all your guides and angels of support. We share our love and light with all who request it and call on us for support, or encouragement, or simply experience the peace and love we share.
The Angelic Realm is indeed real. It is one of the many dimensions of Higher Consciousness. We do indeed have an existence and purpose within the Universe of God, the Creator’s Plan.
You may come to us at any time with questions for general guidance or simply be surrounded by our love. Call on us every day with regularity and you will begin to see the difference our presence makes in your life.
All are loved.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
16:52 Posted in Gabriel's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)
09 April 2014
A Spring Clean Charge
Spring time is a time of new beginnings – where the new growth buds on trees, or is visible in the flowers that break ground and bloom - adding beauty to your world.
Spring cleaning is a phrase used to clean up and clear out your homes and spaces that collect debris, clutter, and physical things no longer holding value or purpose.
Spring cleaning can be taken even further as you spring clean the spaces within your physical bodies. Clear the mind of old patterns or thoughts - the fearful thinking which has consumed your time; dust them out. Visually see you sweep them out. Your mind will become a clear vessel of love, light, and ideas to bring peace and happiness into your lives.
Find other ways to spring clean the physical body. Be mindful of what you do physically – how much you move throughout your day, and what food and drink you consume. You may feel guided to do a cleanse or a fasting to purge out toxins and chemicals within your glands, and blood, and muscles.
Ask for the love and light of God, the Creator, to assist – to sweep clear the physical body and in place of the debris and pockets of fear and doubt, replace it with love, light, and peace - filling and soothing all empty spaces. Once done, feel the hope and renewal this process brings your heart and soul. Feel the newness and the joy it brings you – a “spring clean charge.”
May you embrace the love and guidance available to you. Feel refreshed, replenished, and filled with Divine Love and Light.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
16:45 Posted in Gabriel's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)
23 March 2014
Gates of Opportunity are Open
Greetings, Dear Ones:
Each soul, each life on Earth is going through change. Humans are aligning to truth as it resonates within their hearts and innermost desires.
This is a time to listen, to be still, to hear the voice of Divine Guidance. It may be a pull on the heart, a tap on the shoulder, or an essence – a whiff - of fragrance that will capture your attention. Consider these moments as the heart awakening to understand your next step, a course of action, or simply it will provide a moment of comfort.
Be at peace with what is presented in your life. The challenges are behind you. The path of least resistance is before you. Gates of opportunity are open.
Step with inner wisdom and love.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
18:45 Posted in Messages for Our Changing World | Permalink | Comments (0)
02 March 2014
Trust in Divine Guidance
It takes courage to look at each area in your life, in your home, in your relationships to bring the peace you so desire. Learn to face those challenges with an open heart. Be honest with yourself, and those involved. Take a deep breath, connect to your heart, and allow the Divine Essence within you to speak on your behalf. Trust your inner guidance will bring about the change most needed for your happiness.
Trust in Divine Guidance.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
19:52 Posted in Gabriel's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)