18 April 2013
Your Divineness is Ready to Shine
Dear Ones,
Make more time within your day to work with spirit. You have learned many tools, so begin to use them, develop them further, play with us, and learn how to use these tools to further enhance your life.
You are so much more than what you can physically see. The Divineness within you is ready to shine.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
12:37 Posted in Meditations to Bring Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)
07 April 2013
Spring Seed Planting
Spring is always a time of new growth, new life. So, in this spring time of the year, may you be open to new thoughts, new concepts, and new ways of looking at life.
Plant seeds of intent for those aspects of your life that you wish to manifest into changes for your self, your family, your community, and world events. Nurture those thoughts by seeing them develop. What is it you wish to manifest? Believe that these seeds will develop into the beauty you wish to manifest. See them part of the development of manifestation.
And, as the seeds develop and start becoming visible potentials - those first few glimpses of the new visibility of your desires - continue to visualize them developing, prospering, and growing. And, as they become fully developed, enjoy the beauty, the abundant glory these new manifestations bring to your Earthly life. Allow this unfoldment to spread to others. Share the glory of the newly sprouted and nurtured desires.
Tap into your creator energy each day. Know that you can plant seeds of new ideas, new visions, new feelings of love, hope, and great beauty each day.
You are loved,
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
16:01 Posted in Gabriel's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)
30 March 2013
Make a Daily Connection
Within the bands of energy of the worldly places, there are discordant forms of matter. By connecting to Creator as your source of love and truth, set your intentions to always be connected to the higher energy to maintain the peace within your hearts and within your environments.
Know that by setting this intent, you will maintain a strong connection and will be protected from the distractions of this discordant energy. Be diligent in your intent to stay connected and your desire to live under Laws of Love and Truth.
Call on me and your angels to assist. Our strength is an ever present source when called upon.
My love to you,
~ Archangel Michael ~
13:33 Posted in Michael's Inspirational Messages | Permalink | Comments (0)
24 March 2013
Hold Your Visions
Many have spoken of these times; when the new world – the new earth – has risen to the challenge of becoming a unity of consciousness and souls for the betterment of mankind.
From where we see, many hearts are ignited with the Cosmic Consciousness of living divinely in human form. What shows itself as areas of destruction, unrest, and much pain and drama are to be seen as the purging of old energy thoughts forms and ways of life to be revealed and released.
Hold your visions, dear ones, of a time ahead for much love and peace and community among all souls. Be diligent on maintaining the vision of this new earth. Think and create the scenarios you wish to see unfold. And, see them happen with little drama, minimal distress. Change doesn’t have to be destructive. Think of the Berlin Wall which came down what seemed so effortlessly. Peace can overcome and reign with love and joy.
Call on the heavenly realms – the unseen forces within spirit. With enough souls creating this reality, the spiritual forces of change will manifest. The unseen hand of Creator energy when called upon and desired by so many will simply manifest your new world order. Trust this to be true.
May the love and joy within you become a visible truth in your world. Go in peace.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
20:12 Posted in Messages for Our Changing World | Permalink | Comments (0)
23 February 2013
Creating Your Space of Unfoldment
Be peaceful, Dear Ones.
You will be motivated when you need to pay attention. Things will fall into place so to speak. It will be a journey of minimal effort, but great change. Your soul’s calling will unfold quite naturally. As you make the changes to your environment, you are creating the space for your unfoldment.
Many will feel motivated to start new studies, change jobs, locations, and life style conditions. Trust all is in balance even though your footing may seem unsteady.
Be at peace.
~Archangel Gabriel ~
16:09 Posted in Messages for Our Changing World | Permalink | Comments (0)