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06 August 2009

Spiritual Tool for Opening Your Heart

Dear Ones:

These are tremulous times affecting all facets in life – individuals, families, societies, and nations. All are affected.

Make your connection daily to God, your Creator, to assist you in your day to day activities. This will keep you balanced and allow the flow of love to come into your physical bodies. You can then experience this love in your every day actions, conversations, and thought patterns.

Here is a spiritual tool for you to use to fill your heart with love and make your connection to God, the Creator:  Simply relax, and close your eyes and focus your attention on your heart. Now, think of a situation or experience when you felt the love overflowing in your heart….Is it a favorite song that moves you with its melody, or the first time you recognized and made a connection to your true love, or is it the innocent smile of a newborn baby held gently in your arms?

Can you feel the movement in your heart and the tingling in your physical body as you capture these moments? This is a simple tool to use to open your heart and feel the expansiveness of this love energy. You may think of many situations that cause your heart to open, and even write them down - list them out on a sheet paper to help you remember and capture these feelings that bring you great joy and great love.

By having your heart full – or in the “expansive state of love” – you are connected to God’s love and light – it is that simple to ignite this feeling within you. And once you are in that expansive state you will feel the life force of God work through you. Share this love with those you come in contact with – your family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.

If at any time you find yourself out of sorts - having taken on negative or angry energies, or distracting or fearful thoughts - go through this exercise again. Find what it is that opens your heart to love. Do this throughout your day. It is just that easy, just that quick.

It is up to you to choose the joyful loving existence to bring you in balance with a sense of love, peace, and harmony.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~     

31 July 2009

Laws of Abundance and Attraction

What can you tell us about the new energy and the Laws of Abundance and Attraction? In the old energy, you were encouraged to ask for what you need, but not for more. Now, it seems you can use these laws and make more out of your life by asking for more. What do you have to share on this?

The Laws of Abundance and Attraction are sometimes intertwined in their interpretations and meanings. Abundance is available to all – there are no constraints or restrictions on how much or who gets abundance. Its supply is readily available and is plentiful for all.

Focusing on a lack or a need for abundance is in itself a “cut off” to the natural flow. It focuses on a need or a lack which in itself is a fear of needing it badly, or not being able to get enough, or a belief there is a limited supply to draw from. Do you see how these thoughts even constrict your heart?

Reprogram your thinking to a constant knowing that abundance naturally comes your way. It is like breathing – a natural supply of air, not limited, and always available. Think on this:  “Abundance is part of my being and God’s gift to all mankind. I am grateful for God’s abundance.” Think of it as an unlimited energy available to all.

Put no parameters on how this abundance will materialize – no dollar amount, no quantity, no pre-conceived shape or form of energy that appears to you naturally. Just feel the abundant and overflowing feeling that all needs are met and will continue to be met.

Abundance is a mindset. Open your heart and feel the love within it – this overflow feeling is the same vibration of abundance. Start feeling this energy around you – it is the loving energy of God forever blessing your life.

The Law of Attraction takes on the energy of whatever you are holding your heart and sending out to those around you. Like attracts like. If love and good energy flows from you – more of the same will you attract.

If you want more love in your life – feel that love in you first and more will return. Become that feeling – that energy – so you will attract it in your life. This applies to people and circumstances, as well. What you project in your life is what is attracted back to you. So, start creating an environment of love within you and without you – your surroundings and all that you encompass. Watch your life transform.

Start with love first. Fill your heart with love. Learn to listen and run things through your heart – in this way you will find your truth – your inner knowing – that you will recognize as your authentic self – your higher self – your Divine self. Once you find your own personal resonance, this will be the frequency at which all energy will transmit from you and you will receive from the universe. This balance – this flow – is simply attracting all the abundance, blessings, and love from the universe.

There will be a constant flow – a current - if you will think of it this way. You will be “plugged in” and you will find you are connected to the love and abundant life flow of God.

~Archangel Gabriel ~

12 July 2009

Love Energy to Transform Negative Vortexes

Stories have been told over many cycles of time explaining the creation of all life and your universe. Some stories had key elements changed to fit the evolution of a culture and the belief structures. Some were more entertaining than others, but at the heart of each story was the beginning – the “Big Bang” - when all life was formed by God, the Creator. The truth is that all matter and all souls were created instantly and live forever.

All life is connected from this one grand start and throughout time and generations life evolved around all the pieces - all the connecting factors – as what happens to one aspect affects all the other aspects of this whole of life. So think about the cultures and the evolution of species on your planet. When one aspect is changed, it affects all else. You may not notice these changes, but trust the affects are felt by all.

As life evolved, positive and negative energy vortexes were created around your planet. Those who were evolving away from a love-filled life created negative vortexes. Hate, greed, and pillage would affect all those life forms in an area. Whether human, animal, plant – all life form took on the energy. The negative energy vortexes affect the very planet God has given you to experience his abundance.

Mother Earth has helped to lessen these negative vortexes through weather and eruptions in both land and water elements. These “natural disasters” are devastating to all life forms. But, there is purpose to clear these areas – release and transform the negative energy into the positive - a self-healing for planet Earth.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 

Experiencing Energy Vortexes

Energy vortexes can be in the air, the land, or bodies of water. They can also be found in man-made structures such as towns, businesses, and institutions. Have you not felt these vortexes as you travel – places that make you feel expansive, loving and joyful, and yet also to places that make you feel constricted, sluggish, or drained?

You understand these feelings through intuition - from a conscious level how your own physical self is reacting or becoming affected by the energy. Start paying attention to how your overall self is perceiving your environment. Subtle clues are there if you choose to listen – just trust you have these innate abilities to discern energy around you.

Your thoughts and intentions are energy, too. You have felt an angry thought or a negative emotion. You also know how it feels to have a loving thought or express compassion and kindness. Think about how this feels in your physical body. So, even within you, you have vortexes of energy just based on the thought or feeling you hold within.

~Archangel Gabriel ~

A Tool to Clear the Energy

As a human, you are not helpless and can make a difference in helping to clear these negative energy vortexes. You have an innate talent or “tool” to help clear this energy – to actually change a negative draining vortex into an area of loving calm and peace. Just like Mother Earth, you can help clear and renew your planet.

So, how do you clear these negative energy vortexes? You all hold the power to be a creative life force of positive energy. The compassion you feel and the love you send through your heart has mass; it is tangible with transformational qualities. So, when you open your heart to send your love to assist, see the love in your heart and feel the essence of this energy. Send this love energy out and actually place it in those areas you think of – watch it unfold and expand and transform the energy of the surroundings.

You know the troubled places around your world. Simply send your love energy - your loving thoughts and prayers - to those areas on Earth that may attract your attention. When you think of these areas, you may initially see them in their chaos or unease. By sending them your love energy and actually visualize placing it in each environment, the areas will transform and become a vortex of love and positive energy.

By seeing life in the positive, you are helping tremendously in transmuting the negative conditions or energies into positive loving energy vortexes. Do this with each place around the world that your consciousness pulls you.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~