30 March 2011
Waiting for Action
Why am I not feeling called or motivated to help Mother Earth during this tranformational period to universal oneness?
You see dear one, you are at the point of desire to fulfill the plan, but your part is simply not activated as yet. Other events will transpire. More healing and clearing will take place. Trust you are simply being prepared for the time when you are called to action.
Do not see it as a struggle. See it simply as a “life unfoldment” – done with ease and grace. And, the supporting forces of the universe will bring you all that you need to simply carry out – put in place – your soul’s part of this great transformation. The tools will simply be inherent within you. All will be fully activated, and ready to assist you. Have faith you are an angel of God to fulfill your soul’s mission on Earth.
Do not be disappointed or frustrated that nothing appears to be transpiring in your personal life. Use this time wisely. Take it joyfully. Every day may be seen as a blessing – just open your heart and eyes to see it as so.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
16:19 Posted in Questions for Archangel Gabriel | Permalink | Comments (0)
19 March 2011
Earth Energies
Your Earth is changing. This has been spoken of for so long, but now the physical evidence is making an appearance. Trust in the process of clearing and raising the consciousness along with the vibrations that will result in an Earth of peace, love, and a higher consciousness of all life it supports.
Do not fear the changes – while very disastrous and chaotic - are the necessary changes to simply bring all life forward into this new awareness. With these changes, there are human casualties as well as other life forms. Know that each soul - each particle of energy – is appropriately participating in each and all contributions for an evolved state of existence.
Send love and light to the areas of visible destruction or unrest among the populations. Stay centered in the knowingness that your assistance for calmness and peace truly is your part in this drama of the unfoldment of a new Earth.
All are blessed.
With Love and Guidance,
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
22:39 Posted in Messages for Our Changing World | Permalink | Comments (0)
28 February 2011
Real or Imagined Blocks
What is the purpose for those who are concerned about removing obstacles, or attachments, or soul curses from themselves? Are these energies real or imagined “blocks” in soul growth and advancement?
In the energy going forward, the intent and focus you live with will determine what it is you attract in life. To say, “I am surrounded in God’s love and light” – and truly mean it – sets the stage for how your life unfolds.
Do you sense a block – or say you are blocked, or filled with fear of the unknown obstacle? Then, you created your reality. You hold on to the old, the past, the familiar, and do not embrace the full power within you.
See yourself protected, always surrounded in God’s goodness and grace, and these conditions will not be part of your awareness. They will simply fall away. No block, no “curse,” no soul who passed on is an obstacle – a hindrance - to any one human soul. But, at a subconscious level, you hang on to these conditions that just simply need to be released.
Always ask to be cleared – your auras, your energies, your surroundings. Ask for our assistance – God’s angels – guides – all are willing to assist you. Set your intent on being totally cleared – open to only the love and light of God – and feel and know this absolutely within you. And, just see for yourself how your life will take you on a path connected to your highest potential.
The more you see that each soul creates its own reality, the more you will realize it is all in how you perceive your true potential. Nothing “holds” you back except your own limiting thoughts and fears.
Unleash your full potential. Ask for your path to unfold with Divine guidance and connection each day.
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
22:30 Posted in Questions for Archangel Gabriel | Permalink | Comments (0)
07 February 2011
Visions of Peace
The “grand standing” is over – the energies are aligning – the collapse of tyranny and controlling factors over so many will be revealed and torn down.
Turmoil may reign while the newer energies take shape and emerge. Peace will settle down – like a gentle rain of dust from the old that simply evaporated.
All who supported a peaceful resolution assisted in the energies necessary that resulted in a rebirth - a change. Hold off the celebrations until all the pieces are in order – firmly realized and in place.
More wonderful changes are starting to unfold. Points of “critical mass” have been reached.
Keep your hearts tuned to love and your visions on peace.
All are blessed,
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
15:57 Posted in Messages for Our Changing World | Permalink | Comments (0)
23 January 2011
Visualization for Mother Earth Healing
My Beloveds,
The Earth as you know it is being transformed. The behind the scenes workings of what will transpire will begin to show themselves. Please note that some events may occur that will question your belief that it is for the good of all, but see each as a necessary cleansing for the remaining pockets of negative charged energies.
Continue to visualize the Earth and all its inhabitants in a state of love and light. Know that any resulting chaos is simply the release. Visualize love and light filling those spaces. Here is a visualization you may use:
In your mind’s eye, see your Earth surrounded in a transparent healing bubble. See Mother Earth in the middle with the colors of pink, violet, gold, and white within this bubble. See the colors swirling around her and clearing the negative energies. Send your love energy to assist in this process.
Slowly, very slowly begin to see the colors fade away - and what remains is your Earth filled with love, light, peace, and God’s goodness permeating its essence.
This can also be done with events occurring around the world. You can single out one event or an area of your planet and see it in the middle of the bubble. See the colors swirling, and slowly see them fade away to the outer rim of the bubble. As the colors fade, see the changes made – the outcome becomes an area of peace, love, and joy.
The colors are healing colors – each carries its own frequency to assist in the healing of these areas. See Pink as the healing ointment, Violet as the clearing affect, Gold as the transformation - from negative to positive, and White as the essence of God’s love.
Other colors can be added as all colors have healing attributes – let your own intuitions guide you. It is through your intent – your offer to assist – this is the key. Your love and your energy will help heal situations and events on your planet.
Use this tool – this visualization – as events unfold. Know that this simple process is a way for you to help heal the Earth energies and manifest a loving, peaceful planet. Your love, your intentions will help tremendously in the outcome – the ending result.
All are blessed,
~ Archangel Gabriel ~
14:05 Posted in Meditations to Bring Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)