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12 May 2010

Unconscious Blocks

Many walls and blocks are being perceived around many of the lightworkers. And, needing to find an external cause is the natural reaction. Unconscious blocks are in place, but undetectable in the conscious mind, so fault or blame is looked for as to the cause of the present difficulties.

It is important to ensure that every thought and spoken word is the vibration you choose to attract. Trust that all will fall out or prevail for your personal desires to manifest. So often the little things – actions, ideas, and thoughts – take hold that are not at all in alignment with the overall desires. So, it actually is the wall or block that goes undetected.

This is why manifestation is so important now. Understanding how it really works is key. Critical mass is not fulfilled when there is doubt, or feelings of lack, or unworthiness. In some cases, what comes to the surface is not released. It hangs around your aura and “pollutes” it - in a sense. Auras need to be cleared to release those thought forms and negative attachments.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~

09 May 2010

Step Up

Step up, dear ones, step up…You are human, but you have learned the spiritual ways. Still there is a battle within. Once you learn that all of life is a reflection of self – you will understand those areas of aggravation and negative charges and they will become diminished. Just trust that your intentions and desires will carry you forward to this state of being.


No more hiding your light. Be that beautiful being at all times. Do not step away from opportunities – simply take a deep breath and all will work through you. Trust - you know too well how this works. To be "enlightened" is simply living in God's light.


~ Archangel Gabriel ~

03 May 2010

Conscious Choices for Food

Eat healthy, dear ones. Throw out your scales. Make conscious choices as you make deciding which spiritual teacher or healer you work with. It is simply looking at food as nourishment – as substance to sustain your physical body. Eat what Mother Nature provides for you. Keep it simple – food in its most natural state.


Also talk to your cells and organs. Ask your cellular and organic ego to take charge of your physical body – to go through and rid yourself of all toxic waste and toxic thought patterns that are stuck within you. Ask to have this ego in charge when you shop for food. Ask it to direct you to healthy ways of storing and preparing your food. You have the ability to do this – so there is no new “diet plan” or book to follow. If a food choice resonates within you – then know this is your inner guidance.


Here is a decree to use - I release all toxic conditions within my physical body that no longer serve me. I ask for my cells and organs to function at full capacity to process my intake of food for my highest and best good, and release all else. So be it.


You are on the right path if you find yourself eating less processed food, food with less chemical additives, and no genetically altered foods. This is what will work best for you. Supplements can be taken, but take up the healthy eating first – then you may find you are guided to those supplements you need to take on. But, for now, baby steps…as you humans say.


~ Archangel Gabriel ~

22 April 2010

Earth Day Message

Greetings, dear ones,

Time - a human concept. But, what truly is time? A measure – a mark - to delineate progression – evolution – movement forward in your earthly world.  

When spirit suggests it is “time” for mankind to embrace love and oneness – it is in the now – this moment in your life. Simply all present a reality that manifests.

So, dear beloveds, time is of the essence of the energy around you. The glory of life – the Divine love that flows through each one in the moment - is the existence to bring you forward.

Tap into this each day – bring it to bed with you and be it through the night as you sleep. Let it become a breathing flowing evolution within you - to simply have it become you.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~   

17 April 2010

Bump Up Your Choices

Hold tight, dear ones. All energy is appearing to be “bumping up” against each other. It is affecting all life on earth.

Choices will be presented to you to learn to make decisions from a spiritual perspective. It is time to release old patterns of behavior and thoughts. Go within and ask for Divine guidance to ensure your choices are made from love and are presented from an enlightened perspective.

Know the circumstances are merely tests in learning how to recognize a choice is to be made, and learning how to re-set old thoughts and patterns to result in an outcome of the highest intent. Breaking old patterns is key in moving you forward.

Know you will always have Divine help and love, if you ask for this assistance. Take a deep breath before each thought, deed, or spoken word, and ask to be Divinely led for the highest good of your soul and those around you.

Be mindful that truth and integrity govern you, and trust that all souls involved are equally loved. Also, know other souls will be making new choices and decisions, too. So, hold no past grudges - be pleasantly surprised.

Go in peace.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~