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28 March 2010

The Weight of the Lightworker

As the vibrations of the Earth increase, humanity will be feeling the effects of these shifts in energy. Some will feel more agitated, some will actually lash out, and some will simply feel the vibrations – but not know how to process it – to make themselves comfortable.

Yes, feeling the vibrations and the shifting energies is affecting weight gain among the lightworkers. It is a simple fact. It is indeed feeling the “weight” of the world – or planet energy.

Food is tasting different – no longer a satisfying pleasure – but still the need to use food for “comfort” is one of many “weighs” of processing the energy.

Lightworkers must learn how to clear themselves of the energy attached to the vibrations as each will be lifted up, up, up as the frequencies become even stronger.

Begin each day by aligning your chakras – ask for balance to be brought to the energy surrounding you. Some use meditation to balance within the soul body of light*, and some use yoga to balance within the physical body. Search out ways to assimilate the vibrations, but not take on the negative affects the energy may trigger within you.

My dear ones, know that you are blessed. Know that your assistance is most needed for the times ahead. Staying balanced – and aligning with the higher level frequencies - is needed to not take on the negative energies being stirred up within the planet.

Once you find what works for you, this transition to the higher frequencies and vibrations will not be felt so greatly within your physical bodies. Trust in the process.

With Loving Guidance,

~ Archangel Gabriel ~

* A Course in Light is a meditative process channeled from the Order of Melchizedek to heal and clear energy within chakras of the soul body of light. 

15 October 2009


People are placed on your path to create earthly experiences – you develop relationships to learn lessons - to evolve as a soul to find the Divine light within, and to obtain a life of peace with abundance on the earthly plane.

Some friendships are meant to bring companionship – to hold the mirror to reflect the light you give out, and to bring out the best of your talents and skills, and for you to learn about love.

Some friendships are meant to teach you lessons. These friendships bring challenges to face your truths - to learn and clear those old patterns of behaviors that need healing.

Some friendships are life-long. No matter how you grow – the various evolutions of self – they grow with you and compliment you as you move through life. Chances are these friends have the same lessons to go through and the friendships have been planned before birth to assist each other.

Other friendships are temporary – several years may go by and fun times and sad times are shared. These are usually to further you along your path. It may be a growth period for you – stretching your comfort zone, but once these abilities are learned, generally the friendships end. It is a natural progression of life.

Do not be burdened with sorrow or sadness when friendships seem to end. Trust that the lessons or growth in your evolution have been learned and you simply are ready to move on. The lessons have been experienced, healing or clearing has occurred, and each is ready to go on to new life lessons with other friendships along the way.

There is no need to “slam the door” as you evolve away from these friends. Trust that the times together were bonding - you shared and learned aspects of yourself through these associations. When friends are harsh with saying good-bye – know that the ending for some is painful – ending friendships in themselves is a lesson to learn, too. Bless each friend for the companionship you shared.

This is how life evolves – different stages – different lessons – different friends – all meant to bring you balance and experience life with others where you share laughter, camaraderie, and create the opportunities for soul growth.

Your friends are earth angels to assist you in your life lessons. So, learn to bless each one and release them when the time is right for other opportunities of experience planned for you in this lifetime.

Know you are loved dearly. Go in peace.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 

30 March 2009

Recharging Your Light

You can live with inner peace despite the chaos going on in your personal lives and world events. Tune into your heart and all the life force of God will work through you. When you do this, there is no room for fear within your physical bodies, or emotions, or thoughts and concerns.

A beautiful light surrounds you – envelops you – comforts you – and fills you with confidence and joy – a love that permeates even the most negative situations.

It is so easy to bring this energy to you. It may take some practice to calm the mind and be still to make your connection. This is why daily meditation is so important – recharging your light within each day.

~ Archangel Gabriel

23 February 2009

Finding Balance

Greetings to you.

Time is indeed speeding up – it is not just your imagination. Know it is the new energy and the raising of your planet’s vibration. Stepping aside from this energy flow – this fast-paced “river of life” – will be even more challenging. Taking time to connect to your inner wisdom and contemplation of your own life events will be even more important.

Set aside time for meditation to quiet the mind and focus on Divine guidance through your heart. It would seem that in this new energy - as the veil thins - your communication or connection to God and the Divine Realm would become so easy. But, you still have to know how to clear your thoughts and heart to make that full connection. Meditation is the tool to ensure you are balanced and open.

Start focusing on clearing the excesses in your life. Learn to live in moderation regarding your diet, finances, and material possessions. Practice a good distribution of your excesses whether it is through donations of money, clothing, possessions, or food, or recycling of used materials, or volunteering to assist or teach others.

This will allow good energy to come forth – a balance to “feng shui” the energy surrounding you. As you bring balance to the energy around you, you bring balance into your life. This will assist you tremendously. Also, learn to focus on the positive – those things you want and desire to bring into your life. Always “look to the light” in all matters of your heart.

As you breathe in – think of it as bringing in God’s love and energy; and, as you breathe out – think of it as clearing or releasing stagnant energy and all negative attachments. Try to envision this exercise throughout your day – each time you are conscious of breathing. This is a tool that works to bring balance and ensure a clearer connection at all times.

Beloved ones, staying connected and open to messages from the Divine is not a difficult process. These simple steps I give you will make your life more at ease and balanced.

Go in peace.

~Archangel Gabriel ~

01 October 2008

Lessons For Change

Lessons are presented to learn from trials and will bring realization of those things needing change. Think of them as good things, good things to bring beauty and joy into your life. You can ask for gentler lessons, but the lesson still has to be learned, gone through, experienced, and acknowledged for the change to take place in old patterns, ways of thinking, judgments, and in making choices.

You will always be protected; nothing will be harder than you can bear. Think of the lesson as a cleansing, or as a healing. Do not forget to ask for help. We will hold your hand while you go through each lesson. Ask for clarity that the lesson is understood and learned.

Remember gratitude. Know God is watching out for you and protecting you. Give thanks to the universe for supporting you. Peace, joy, and love are always at hand - just ask. We will assist. Never doubt.

Know that people, places, and situations will be presented to you. What you make of them is your own choice. Go within your heart for Divine guidance. Know that it is there that you will find it.

Go in peace.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~