01 June 2012
"About Me" on Spiritually Speaking
Those who have been familiar with this weblog have noticed the picture to the left. This is a lovely painting capturing the energy of Archangel Gabriel as painted by one of readers of this weblog. I personally had been looking for a picture that captured the love and energy of Archangel Gabriel, and one suddenly appeared!A reader offered to send me her view of the presence of Archangel Gabriel to her and it matched mine perfectly.
Archangel Gabriel shared, “This painting is a demonstration of how you can manifest and receive. Think on how this happened…you wanted a painting for the weblog – searched high and low, and it simply was presented to you. Yes, this is how spirit works.”
So, please click on the “About Me” link and read more about this painting and the artist. New information is also expressed here about Spiritually Speaking.
With Love,
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